Tuesday 22 March 2011


METRO REMIX - For this project we had to create a 20 image narrative from two newspaper headlines.
Sketchbook work

CABINET OF CURIOSITIES - For this project we had to create a cabinet of curiosities.
Sketchbook work and final piece

MEDIUM IS THE MESSAGE - For this project we had to come up with a message which related to the medium it was written in.
Final pieces

POP-UP SHOP - For this project we had to work as a team to create a successful Pop-Up shop where we all produced items to sell.
Final product

REG PERFECT AND THE SQUEEGEES - For this project we were given a band name and which we had to decide the musical genre for and create a promotional package.
Final piece

A MIDSUMMER NIGHTS DREAM - For this project we had to promote a Shakespeare play.
Final pieces

I also made a child's soft toy as part of the promotional package.

ENVIRONMENTAL INTERVENTION - For this project we had to investigate an environmental issue and put our ideas to the public in some way.
Sketchbook work and final piece

I put my packaging designs on the shelves at a supermarket to see if they gained any interest.

FINAL MAJOR PROJECT - For my final major project, I was looking at the human ageing process. My final piece looked at how I expect our generation to live when we are the age of our grandparents, focusing on the effects of technology and modern influences which have effected the way we approach life. 
Sketchbook work

Final piece development

Final pieces - A0


  1. this is absolutely AMAZING- especially the hand!

  2. thankyou so much :) just checked out your stuff :) looking SO good :) how's it all going? i am STRESSINGGGGGGG!! as per ha!

  3. ah thanks its going okay-ish, but same stressing just a bit! we'll be fine though i know it just keep going x
